Sunday, March 18, 2018

Some Random #AltRight Thoughts Round 31 A Path to #EthnoState

Path to #EthnoState -- National Rebirth by way of #Ethnos Community Building.

society is based upon strong families, who are based around the male
and female lifelong bonding pair. Our pseudo society has effectively
destroyed this base, by means of feminism, sodomy, the destruction of
traditional morality, and no fault divorce. This destruction of our
society, has left an awful lot of men, in the rubble. These men, are
bound to pay for a family who has no loyalty to them. These men are
legally in effect serfs. These men are the most obvious first
demographic that nationalist in the west should appeal to, for these men
who have no illusions about the system's benevolence nor do they
believe in any of its lies.

These men are simply waiting in the
kitchens underneath bridges, sleeping in their cars, for a glimmer of
hope, for a light to guide their way. Essentially they are waiting to
find new purpose, so that they can do what men do and that is to build
the basis for social and political organization, by means of their
economic cooperation organization. If this sounds complex but what it
means is that *men naturally work together to create value which value
is then used as the basis for social and politic order* thus the Men's
economic efforts are the basis for social and political stability and
society, just as the stable family is the basis for the man's ability to
work and build value effectively. So in effect nationalists must go to
these men and become their extended family.

Then from this will
flow the natural productive forces which come from people cooperating to
a common end. If this family is giving even the most nominal
organization, and understands that hierarchy and discipline are
essential to any large scale organization affecting it ability to plan
and acchieve long-term goals, then success is with in reach.

nationalists have this family, drawn together from the outcasts of
modernity then, they will need to organize, to consolidate and to
conceptualize long-term plans.

Organization is important because
it teaches large groups of people how to work together for common
benefit. There are many different forms of organizations available,
different forms of charities nonprofits, for profit corporations, single
proprietorship businesses, and a host of others, but the essential
element of all of them is that there is a planning principle, which is
able to save capital for the enterprise to use later upon long-term

For nationalists I would posit that a worthy goal that
these men could save towards, would be to purchase rural and suburban
lands which are unwanted or run down, and then work mutually to build
them up.

This would allow their new family's to learn to work
together and to learn to submerge their personal interest in the common
cause. This work would also allow the family to produce wealth of which
could be exchanged or traded with the local population, in such a way as
to gain goodwill with them and show that nationalist care about them
and their interests.  The Goal will be to house, feed and cloth all the
family members; make money; create capital; generate good will among the
locals; and live successful lives.

Once the family the
nationalist family, has established itself, on at least one parcel of
land and is doing economically and socially well then I would advise
creating other corporate enterprises to expand its functional reach and
to allow the family the room to grow it will need in order to become a
great Nation.

{too much to put here .... listen for more.}

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

GOP -- Gutter Party with No Values. Whites need #AltRight

The GOP (really all 'conservative parties' in the Anglo West) has NO
loyalty to anything but MONEY and ZION. They love to go on about the
CONSTITUTION but have NO love for LIVING WHITE PEOPLE who are the
decedents of the CREATORS of the Constitutional order they like to
pretend to exalt. Bottom line -- it is all an act to keep you corralled
into the Two Party Oligarchy that rules the USA like FIEF.

talk about GOP values is a JOKE. They are traitors that hate WHITE
AMERICA but pretend to care about them at the same time. They are the
dishonest version of the Democrats. The GOP on the whole has NO vision
they only do what is NEEDED RIGHT NOW to ensure their DONORS get the
maximum from the government trough while the peasants get less. That is

Thus any gibberish about how the GOP will Make America
Great Again ... is Fantasy ... they hate WHITE AMERICA and want WHITES
replaced with CHEAP COLORED LABOR. The do not place America first ...
since ONLY Israel can have the Pole Position else you are a Anti-Semite.
In point of fact the GOP are MORE SERVILE to the HEBREWS than the DEMS.
Sad but true. Thus any lies about America First are purely a con when
the GOP establishment mouths them to garner votes. Replace GOP with your
local 'right' party and it approximates out well.