Monday, April 30, 2018

#StopTheCaravan Failed | Invasion fully under Steam

#StopTheCaravan has failed. Invaders are NOW DEMANDING enterer into our nation ... as a "RIGHT". Yes INVASION is now a right. This failure is 100% the FAULT of the WEAK pussy President #Trump, since we all KNOW the PUNK will allow them in like the LOSER Chump he is ... We wanted a Jackson and got a House Boy Lackey of the Zionists cheap labor lobby instead. And yes I fully blame TRUMP for his OWN FAILURE to defend the Border as that is HIS JOB 100% not anyone else. Trump is a two faced coward.

As to the 'Law' -- That is merely Lawyer Babble ... it is NOT sacred writ as it is ALWAYS ignored when the ELITE are the 'criminals'. Fact. So why not ignore it now to save the WHITE MAJORITY in America?
And yes that is the GOAL -- SAVING WHITE AMERICA ... not garbage about the 'rule of law' ... WHITE MATTERS ... Legality is garbage. Nice and simple.

Continued on broadcast ... enjoy. Share the videos, Up vote the product, Subscribe to the channel.
#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst #StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #AltRight #LockHerUp

Source: #StopTheCaravan Failed | Invasion fully under Steam - YouTube

Address :

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

#AmericaFirst Means #BuildTheWall | No Wall No #MAGA

 #AmericaFirst Means #BuildTheWall #DefendTheBorder

give this back ground: We have our troops already at war in Iraq, Syria
and Afghanistan, as well as several other undeclared smaller affairs in
Africa. We are broke – being about 22 trillion in debt as of this
writing. Our Domestic Industry and Infrastructure if thought of as a
unit are antiquated relic having little life left in them being already
strained by use and worn by time. Our Borders are wide open to millions
upon millions of illegal ( approximately 3-5 annually net) and about
1.2 million legal immigrants year on year with no end in sight, on the
one hand but on the other We are absurdly guarding the borders of these
Central Asian, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern States. We are to let
that soak suppose to just leave ours totally open to Caravans of
invaders from Central America and god really knows where else to be
honest, while policing others borders at vast expense in blood and
treasure. To add insult We are told we ‘can’t’ effectively use fence and
patrols in the mighty USA yet Hungry has shown this to be a lie if you
have the right number of patrols sweeping for people that try to evade
or overcome the fence.

This has been coming to a head for some time.

Just last week
#StopTheCaravan people had enough momentum to get Pres Donald #Trump to put #AmericaFirst
verbally at any rate defending our border with troops which would be
deployed we were told. Talk was even had of using the military to build a
wall to defend our Border and use the MONEY the MIC is addicted to for
the purpose of
#MAGA and thus putting #AmericaFirst. So far so good. #MAGA in sight … But wait what is that ...

Creatures Bite Back … Notice every time a war can be avoided, there
is an ‘outrage’. It is almost like the Swamp MIC Fifth column alliance
manufactures these events, uses their media and academia talking heads
to push it to the commons, and then takes action they already were
determined to make at all events. ALMOST.

… What the peasants
are gonna defend their border … gain higher wages …. fix the decline
demographically … SURVIVE as IDENTITIES that care about more than
money??? Says the Money Lender Freedom Broker

… BUT LOOK SYRIANS were gassed by Satan-Assad-Putin-Hitler … Coming in the Media Liar to save the day. Elite go in Unison:
#MAGA denied … Profits Saved for ‘Freedom’ and the Wall Street Way.

here we are today. We have the entire MIC/Zionist-Fifth-Column frothing
for open declared total war with Syria – so we can ensure the Marxist
Kurds and Wahhabist/Salafist Moderate Rebel Cannibals ‘win’ because this
is what Israel and the War Profit Hawks have agreed is ‘in everyone’s

Now folks this might seem a bit crazy but I feel
safer when MY nation is protected by MY military at MY BORDER, not when
profits are flowing for Wall Street so that Israel can safely bully
Palis and other people from the Air with American provided military hard
ware. Yup. One is a real issue of national defense and the other places
a FOREIGN power over the Nation – which I should note is TREASON.

Truth Be Told: Even if ASSAD is gassing every Jihad and their families … I say
means Screw what happens in Syria. If the Zionists and Moralists on
Wall Street are so upset let them fight in a person capacity for their
cash cow. But Normal Work A day White Americans want:
#AmericaFirst #MAGA Not never ending war for Israel and the MIC.

is NOT our water to port nor wood to hew. We have NO ‘White Man’s
Burder’ Either Monetarially for Wall Street Usurers nor Emotionally via
‘White GUILT’ owed to the ‘world’ of Cultural Marxism at large. Let them
eat NOTHING. We shall put America First by building a Wall, deporting
the illegals and to the shades with the world’s White Guilt and Wall
Streets Usury games.

Those are not to our best interest.
Defending the Border and Keeping our demographic Majority are
everything, thus America First means Defending the Border. Since No
borders means NO Nation.

Continued on broadcast ... enjoy. Share the videos, Up vote the product, Subscribe to the channel.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Operation First World

News and Views: Operation First World: Just a middle aged man babbling for several minutes about how the South African Whites have little to no hope without massive outside help...

#AltRight | #StopTheCaravan Invasion | #MAGA | #AmericaFirst | #BuildTheWall

A caravan of more than 1,500 familes including men, women, and children are making their way from Central America through Mexico and are expected to arrive at the US-Mexico Border in the coming days to request refugee status.

Known as the Viacrucis Migrante 2018, the caravan began on March 25 in the state of Chiapas and is expected to reach Tijuana within a month where the members of the group are expected to request refugee status from the U.S. government. The caravan is organized by the immigrant rights group Pueblo Sin Fronteras who have been posting updates about the caravan’s journey through Mexico.
Source: Caravan of 1,500 Central American Migrant Families Crossing Mexico to Reach U.S. Border

#StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan

Continued on broadcast ... enjoy.

#WhiteRights #WhiteCulture and #WhiteHistory. #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #DeportThemAll
#IllegalAliens #AltRight