Friday, June 8, 2018

Trump Turns Cuck to appease MLK loving GOP losers|#MAGA denied

All for mere tax cuts. No wall. No MAGA. Just a bunch of money lender
rhetoric. We were sold America First what we have gotten is RUBBISH on
par with Rumdummy Ray Guns Nonsense in the 80's.

We will have our MAGA -- America will be WHITE AGAIN!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Ethno-Nationalism Needs Adults | Reject Hollywood Nazi Nonsense

*the 'Nationalism' under discussion is largely but not entirely an Online and very low brow live action cos playing affair in the English Speaking West. However like all ideas it has the potential to burst forth into action, if the stumbling blocks are removed.

For those new to this, or who may have come here by other avenues than the online nationalist route, some background might be necessary.

Nationalism as an organized social, political and economic force in the West has on the one hand failed since WWII and been driven to ground, and on the other reveled in that failure to the point of making it a mark of distinction.

This is the last 70 years encapsulated into a simple sentence.

The repeated failure has built up a certain image over the last few decades of failures. Approximate text can be had here.

The long and short is that Hollywood Nazi bullshit needs replaced with Caring Adult Nationalism that has meaning in the lives of the People.

#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst #StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #AltRight #LockHerUp

Also Please Download the PDF Below. Completely safe Link.

Source: Ethno-Nationalism Needs Adults | Reject Hollywood Nazi Nonsense - YouTube

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Monday, June 4, 2018

Boomer Bonanza | Muh Reee Reee Edition

Just a middle aged man babbling for several minutes about how today we
have an example Boomeritis in all its glory folks. Howie is a mini-me to
all Suburban Cucks. The Nothing called PC loves People like Howie.

I had shared the Legal | Illegal | Same video to a group on Google Plus
called Defenders of the Constitution. To which this followed.

We -- once the White Majority Goes the Constitution will Go ... it will be a dead letter.

Continued on broadcast ... enjoy. Share the videos, Up vote the product, Subscribe to the channel.