To my Leftiod Fans and Supporters!
PC is Death for the West! Leftism
is a mental defect! It makes people: Stupid, plain, homogenous and lame.
It makes them worship death and seek their own end... the West under
Liberalism has turned Western Man into the Panda of human history... so
guilty He might continue on He is willing to give up His Ancestral home
and his rich history to 'make amends' for crimes he has NOT committed...
WE are the Panda of Human History... this is because
leftism/internationalism have mentally and spiritually nutted our race,
destroyed our families, cheapened all human interaction to the level of a
market exchange, left our cities in ruins, raped our history, looted
our heritage, imploded our industry and is soon to toss a match to the
pyre so that what remains can burn to ash all so that liberal hypocrites
can feel good about making others feel bad about being born! And so the
'market' calf worshipers can charge for everything from birth until
death. These two come as a set.
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