#Yellowvest Movement & the #EU| #White Europe | #ItsOkToBeWhite
a middle aged man babbling for several minutes about how the the #Yellowvest movement -- what we call the #YellowJackets after the #wasp in area. It seems like the EU #Marcon#Merkel and the gang have kicked a #wasps
nest -- has surely spread to Germany, Holland, Belgium, Italy, and
frankly to most of the Western EU if the news media is any indication --
Use the X country Yellowvests to get more. The EU is done. That game is
old news. Seems that Identity matters. Seems that folks don't seem
inclined to just give up their race, nation, ideals, wants or unique
mores and ways for the bland plain same old same old of the #kalergi#EU
plan. Fact is that NOBODY was asked if they wanted this suicide pact
called the EU -- it was suppose to be Customs Union not a Political
Union. But since the EU is the driving force behind importing Africa
into Europe -- once its gone the Africans are gone. And that is 100%
okay since it is 100% okay to be #White Western and Christian regardless of what the Hate Mongers in the Media and Academia say.
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