Saturday, April 2, 2016

Conservatives what are you conserving?

News and Views: Conservative?: What is being conserved? Nothing.


Conservatism is about ensuring OUR People survive, to enjoy the use
of Our own land, under Our own laws, by the lights of Our own

Captive Right of 'Conservatism Inc'(tm) are
liberal-PC-Cultural-Marxists whose job is to play act like they stand
for the Majority as they in fact sell out the majority 'conservative'
citizens to the
money bags
that fund
both the Captive Right and
treason lobby Left.


us our people, and weep for your nation as it has been betrayed. We
have been sold for 30 pennies by Judas to the money lenders.

plutocrats and economic elites have spared no expense to ensure that
all 'allowed' or 'respectable' voices are bought by themselves. (This
is why Trump has them so worked up as he is NOT bought by them and
cannot be trusted to keep their 'arrangements' in place. However back
to our narrative. )
The Historical Majority
Rightful People of the West are nearly a minority. The Christian
values of the west are almost cast down. The lands of the Western
Peoples are being invaded and appropriated by foreign hordes of
pillaging, raping, culture destroyers.

All this while
conservatism inc seems to fiddle among the smoldering tire fires in
the streets of the cities which were once the Western lands, like
some sort of collective Nero.

Fires meant to burn out
the foundations of the West. Fires meant to force us by fear and
necessity to submit to PC multiculture and its death cult beliefs
derived from Marxism's theories about 'universal humanity'.

Fires started by the
direct action of the Left, Captive 'Right' and Big Money that backs
both of the wings of the Two party facade called 'democracy' which a
farce and a fraud – the Demos – that is the majority historical
people – are silenced and keep out of 'archy' – that is power by
all means fair and foul.

Fires started by
subversives given legal protection by the Left and enabled by the
'conservative' leadership who have long since sold out to the false
idols of the Leftist Cult called Multiculture Political Correctness –
false leaders who value mammon over main street; money over mom and
apple pie – false leaders who are perfectly willing to fall on
their face on command from PC, Big Money and the Left's Diversity –
and tolerate it as well. Fires, looting, pillaging … and the
Captive Right nary utters a whimper and that is because:
left dictates the morality and the captive 'right' submits. (See:
St. MLK)
This statement has been
the complete and utter truth since at least the Civil Rights Era –
an openly subversive overthrow of Majority society, which put modern
America on track for today’s multicultural liberal death cult; an
overthrow the Captive Right supports, since as things stand they are
enthralled, nay captivated, even cuckolded, to the leftist world
view. Their thralldom and treason come as a set. The elite among the
Captive Right get money and perks, as well as being physically 'safe'
for now from the PC hordes, so thus is their treason explained.

However what is totally
beyond us; What We cannot figure out is:

is conservative about common
and working class

majority citizens playing along with this rigged game in which
own side
sells them out to the PC

Frankly the answer about,
'Well it is better then the left/liberals winning', –
which we have all heard for decades—is absurd as the
Leftist/Internationalist are winning in real time, all day every day
and have been winning in a big way for some time now. (Hint: all the
'teams' in play are internationalist teams, thus no matter who wins
internationalism wins by default. )
The money supports the
Left so the captive right allows the Left to have its way with their
'conservative' base. It is rather like a pimp giving a girl out as a
favor, actually.
But be that as it may, the
Left has forced the following upon 'conservatives': Diversity,
tolerance and political correctness free of question; Affirmative
Action as a right; Safe Spaces to plot further subversion against
traditional society; Gun Control by many other names; Babylonian
transgenderism as normative, healthy and a veritable fact of nature
itself; Support from the law and the State as they engage in the
degradation of ALL traditional values as a protected and absolute
'right'; Centralized control of Education by which they spread their
egalitarian, liberal, lies to the children; Mass Immigration to
dilute the majority and to punish us for our white guilt; and last
but not least a captive 'conservative' tax base that pays for all the
left/centrist subversion of Our ideals, way of life, and biological
integrity as a Western People, while they wait two, four and six more
years to get all worked up about losing, over and over again...

Maybe honestly assessing
reality would be a solution? Maybe leaving the false leaders and
quack theories of the captive 'right' for real leadership who care
about conserving the Majority People and Our values might be an
option? Leaders that do not lie to Us about reality. Leaders with
the stones to stand up to PC's fantasy notions about White Guilt,
'Human Equality', Diversity, Tolerance and Oppression. Maybe, just
maybe, leaders that OPENLY proclaim that the Majority have unique
interests, and an identity and history worthy of being proud of might
help us stop acting like whipped curs, huh?

Yes, yes, Hitler, how
droll, let the media memes go folks. Just maybe it is time to put
down the Hitler as he as nothing to do with modern immigration. That
just is NOT cutting the grade... It is the
liberal/PC/Cultural-Marxist equivalent of Pooh Pooh Head. We are
all, way past that point. Dry those eyes. Now to continue with the
process of mental liberation...

It is often claimed that
third worlders are more socially conservative but, how
does that help us when it is NOT our culture they wish to conserve?
Conserving their culture among us helps us Native Born
Rightful Americans
how exactly?

Assuming this is truth,
that the invaders are 'more conservative', the predictable result is
still that WE end up minorities in Our Own Lands...

is conservative about that out come?

do you conserve a people and their cultural values by allowing them
to be degraded and diluted to the point they are destroyed?

you all want to be INVADED by foreign hordes that WILL destroy your
unique identity or not?

Basically, one cannot
bring in huge numbers of totally biologically different people from
all corners of the globe and for the most part directly out of the
stone age – with the intent purpose which the left shouts daily
from the roof tops of creating 'diversity' IE a minority out of the
majority – and expect to keep the norms and customs of the proper
majority first world citizens among the diverse soup so created. This
is not rational. Nor will the former first world citizens so swamped
by the third world barbarians, be able to keep the standards of
living, material culture or the level of intellectual discourse at
anything like its current Western Majority levels.

We all know this, saying
the truth out loud will set you free, so again from the top:
What is conservative about
importing people that will displace you
and your principles in time?
Nothing at all is the truthful 100% painful answer. It is in fact
suicidal for our Western Nations to import all these third worlders
who bring NOTHING except violence, squalor and barbarism. They are of
zero value to the Majority Citizens.

does anyone tolerate being replaced by barbarian stone age savages?
Same reason conservatives
join in calling anyone that objects to the mass immigration invasion,
diversity, PC and other Leftist fantasy notions, 'Hitler' 'Racist'
and 'Nazi' because Conservatives are ALL terrified of being called names by
Liberals and Cultural Marxists... the labels Racist, Nazi and
terrify you folks... The Fact is that conservatives need to free their minds
from the Left's value judgments and come over to the Nation. We are
waiting to embrace our lost brothers and sisters, but only after One
has let go of the PC and its death cult mentality. Free yourself
from this burden of living up to the enemy's expectations and you
will be free to serve the National interest exclusively with no shame.

We think freely of the PC,
thus we can say without shame:

Conservatism is about ensuring OUR People survive to enjoy the use of
Our own land, under Our own laws, by the lights of Our own culture.
True conservatism is based on a singular Nation in a land, and is NOT
universal, at all, but particular and unique. True conservatism
starts with conserving the People, their communities and the families
which make up said communities. It is about preserving and passing on
traditions and culture with pride. It is about keeping what is ours
to pass down to our own.

your mind from PC and you will be free to Think of your Western

think freely of the PC.

you wish to 'know what
think' read
the PDF
in almost all our works –
at end of document
To sum up our beliefs in a
few sentences: The White Western Peoples are
under assault by PC and Money Forces which working as a team are
importing the third world to break us down into serfs.

is the long and short of Our beliefs.

It is logical, visually
obvious and factual true according to the left's own public
pronouncements and the 'right's' own stance upon these issues – To
which we propose going back to Family as the foundation of People,
and from there simply leaving this multicultural ship, to the end
that We the Majority will be our own Ship.

We the Western Majority
have NO need of the PC Multiculture.

PC being purely a parasite
that lives upon the Western Peoples the same as Marxism lived off the
Slav Peoples for its time.

We are far more
anti-communist than any of the modern right but also we are community
minded and hate this individualist free for all likening it to rats
in a flood – vile and base, lacking in honor.

It simply is not natural
for humans to operate as little happiness units each preying upon his
fellows... Liberalism is a form of War unleashed upon society so that
others can reap the $$$ from the chaos.

This war will be ended by
us to our advantage and the lies of PC, modernity and liberalism will
be cast out from among our living spaces. This will ensure We have
control of Our Destiny.

That about sums up our
beliefs off the cuff, but feel free to ask questions.

Share, download and
subscribe to the blog and youtube. {
193 page pdf clean link.  A real legal lawful doable Plan to really be
free of PC. A plan that has an actual chance of success.    }
(This started as replies
to a Google plus post. Thank You. )

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