Thursday, April 28, 2016

Our Culture Yes! Multiculture is NO culture!

The fact is that Whites are expected to step aside for the PC multiculture. They are expected to be inclusive, tolerant, and to accept equality with diversity.

But this is all a fantasy lie. A death march to extinction that offers zero real world rewards.

It is all based on nonsense. The entire liberal PC Marxist world is an insanity that needs treated with Nationalist therapy.

Truth will set you free: Truth is that most everything PC has taught everyone is, was, and always will be a lie.

The truthful fact is that: equality is false; diversity is deadly; tolerance is a tumor; and inclusion is excluding our own.

It is time to stop trying to appease the left's demands and start working on Us, for Us, about Us by Us.

It is time to stop thinking about nonsense and start asking important questions with answers that lead away from Death and Unto Life for the Nation.

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