Just a middle aged man babbling for several minutes about how
hypothetically,If the Afrikaans people came to the USA, Canada, Aus, NZ,
or UK illegally. Who here would help hide them from the ZOG and give
their children a chance at life in the First World? This is not about
money. LOYALTY man to man is everything. Ethnos coupled to State has to
mean loyalty to the living folk or it means Nothing at all.
will occur in full live action after their land is stripped. So who
would be willing to defy the ZOG to ensure those folks LIFE?
are OUR PEOPLE. Of OUR RACE. Some of them are literally of the Same
Anglo-Germanic Blood as US. Place of Birth or Bonds of Blood? Who of you
will find the courage to ensure these people a rat line out of that
If any person is BORN in the USA they are a CITIZEN ... THIS APPLIES TO #afrikan peoples ... #Boer and #British.
Thoughts on this are that they are OUR DUTY, OUR RESPONSIBILITY. Our
Distant Kin folk to whom have duties by birth. We are poor but we do
have LOYALTY enough to feed, house and hide our own if need comes to
shove. That we can do. This is a moral choice that can make or break the
morale of the Western White Man.
If not us 'nazis' among the
Anglo Whites? Who? Who will do this thing? Who of you will find the
courage to ensure these people a rat line out of that hellhole? Shall
you stand by and watch it happen? Rhodesia 2.0? No Sir that is not for
Us. To defy is to undemoralize. To act is to put aside doubts. To act
Rightly is to be Noble. Saving the White South African People is a NOBLE
desire. One that could change the entire face of Nationalism. Do right
... Be Right. Act Noble ... Be Noble.
#SouthAfrica #shithole #SouthAfricanGenocide #WhiteGenocide. We have all seen this PROGRAM in ZIMBABWE. It is time for #AltRight, #WhiteNationalist and even the super far fringe larpers to EITHER SHUT UP or STEP UP. These #Boers and #British
are Our Racial Kin. We owe them a chance to get the HELL OUT of that
decayed corpse that is what is left of the Former Glory of White
Southern Africa. Money, Organization and WILL. We will require all
three. Now is the hour to prove that Nationalism -- the Ethno Variety
has the will to be a world view that is worthy of Western Man.
is the time that to ensure OUR PEOPLE are let go and brought to their
brethern's embrace here in the First World. They should by all rights --
they are KIN to us Western Anglo Peoples. The Dutch hate the Boers. We
have no such issue. We will embrace them as Kin to My Kin. They are 8%
of SA these People and We are 8% of the World.
We Shall take them with pride. Brother of My Brother is my Kin.
be that as it may, the Poor Whites will need money to ensure like the
Exodus they can leave in Strength and Order. We shall not abandon these
people like the World did to #Rhodesia and #Mozambique. The Tide is High -- Time to Float.
The #AltRight like the entire #Right
in the Anglo Nations suffers from Style over Substance. Too Much Clever
and not enough Common Sense. We need a narrative that presents Our
History and Commonalty as our Strength
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