Thursday, July 19, 2018

Dependence Death of Independence

Dependence -- its not just bad when its dope.
What you depend upon; you cannot be free from; thus it holds your independence of action, thought and ultimately controls your reality. From dope to oil:
If you allow yourself to be dependent (particularly upon anything with NO care for your well-being or concern for your person) you give up your Independence
(and you risk your life as well) -- Simple as that.
Since what is dependent is inferior to what holds them in dependence. Dependence negates Independence! One cannot exist if the other is allowed sway.
Dependence is a leash that attaches you to the post of those that control the flow of the things you come to depended upon in the natural order of things -- particularly when those you depend upon are NOT loyal to you and yours in the least and learn to use this dependency to their advantage.
Thus depending upon your kin and friends not so bad of an idea; depending upon 'the world' equals Mother of Fubar ideas. See: American Middle Eastern Policy.
Now ask and answer these questions if you will to yourself:
If we are depending upon others in China(manufactured goods), in what way are we free of those people in China?
If we are depending upon Vietnamese Communist(shoes, clothes other sweatshop products) in what way are we free of them?
If we are wrapped up in the usurers web of debts and credits( do I even have to start beating that drum? Really?), in what exact way are we free of their debt based games?
If we are dependent upon Import-Mart and Copra-Mart for food, and Cosmo-Mart for junk and all these are owned by a small click of people, in what way are we free of those people?
Now to ask the final question: In what real way are we free at all if we are dependent upon all these communists, Asiatics, money grubbers and low wage emporiums?

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