Thursday, August 30, 2018

Boernation Heritage Foundation

Die Boervolk Erfenis Stigting - Boernation Heritage Foundation
March 3 ·
Whomever wrote this article thank you. We have corrected it to be more factionally applicable to the people it happened to.
Please also read our added comment and Press Release thereunder.
Press Release - Media Release - Media Statement - Kennisgewing.
24 March 2018
The greatest nightmare in the history of South Africa
Bloukrans and Moordspruit
16-17 February 1838
The story I tell tonight is the most dreadful tale in the history of my people. It is a tale of sadness and a tale of unspeakable horror. An account that was so terrible that the hand of history trembled violently when it tried to write it down – and finally laid aside its pen when it found the words too painful to record.
Yet, my family was there. They saw it with their own eyes, just like all the others did. And painful though it was, some of the survivors somehow told their tale. The accounts live on because they wanted their children to know that freedom is a priceless commodity that was bought with rivers of blood. And so their voices continue to echo forever across the blood-stained pages of South Africa’s troubled history.
Sometimes they speak softly, sometimes they cry with pride. But through it all there is a gentle sound which sounds a lot like rain. Only it is not rain. It is the tears of a broken generation. If you read their history even after all these years, you can hear it still. And when you close the chapter finally, there follows a great silence which is louder than a waterfall. It follows you for a long time, that silence. It follows you in the manner of all profound things, after they had touched and left their fingermarks upon your soul.
The tale that follows now is not for sensitive people. If you are easily upset, do not read it. Africa is beautiful, but she has an ugly side as well. Sometimes when you see that side of her, the images remain forever. Think before you read. And if you do, picture the scenes compassionately – because unless they are softened by love, they still remain too sharp to touch.
Bloukrans and Moordspruit – “Blue Cliff” and “Spring of Murder”
There was little to be seen on the night of the 16th of February 1838 for there was no moon at all. It was a peaceful night along the Tugela River and its tributaries, yet it would soon become the darkest night of foulest murder. It was the greatest nightmare anyone had ever known.
Nobody knew it yet, but more than a week ago the Voortrekker governor Piet Retief and all 70 of his men and servants had been murdered by Dingane – king of the Zulu. They had been invited to a banquet to celebrate a peaceful land transaction when Dingane ordered his warriors to seize them. Retief and all his men were clubbed to death and then cast away to feed his vultures at KwaMatiwane – the place of killing.
Many miles towards the north their families were waiting upon their return. They were, in fact, expecting good news and were hoping to see their returning men any day now. They had reason to feel relaxed. Northern Natal was one of the most beautiful places in Africa. Framed by the towering Drakensberg Mountains, the climate was mild and the rolling landscapes made the world seem enchantingly lovely in a thousand unfamiliar ways. It was a country more captivating than many of them had ever seen in all their lives. A land which Piet Uys called, "the fairest in all the world."
All along the Tugela River the Voortrekkers families were stretched out across a distance of 56 kilometres . They had no reason to suspect trouble. Dingane had so far sounded benevolent and friendly. There had been no news as yet, but under the circumstances no news was considered good news. Their leader, Gert Maritz, had nevertheless cautiously issued orders that the families should assembly near his own laager. The Voortrekkers found it impractical to be huddled together, however, and only a few families obeyed the instruction.
The rest remained at their peaceful encampments scattered across the valleys. That afternoon they brought their livestock closer to their camps, set out guards against lions – and prepared their pleasant suppers. Grandfathers read to their families from the Bible, mothers tucked their little ones in and kissed them each good night. One by one the voices all went quiet as the candles were blown out and the campfires were allowed to slowly burn to embers.
Around midnight, though, people began to stir. Some arose and started peering into the darkness with anxious eyes. From far away down-river came the sound of thunder. Yet, there was no lightning. And as they listened they began to realize that what they heard was not thunder, but the noise of distant gunfire. The sound of shots spread along the river frontage until they gradually fell silent altogether.
In places the glow of fires lit up the sky, until these too slowly disappeared. Eyes turned white in the suffocating darkness, for these were men who had already known four generations of warfare. They had guessed what was going on – and they knew were about to join a living nightmare. Little children began to cry. Trembling lips began to pray in silence. They had seen it before. They already knew what this meant – and they all silently understood that the angel of death was on its way to visit them as well.
Down river hardly anyone had heard the silent tread of 10,000 Zulu phantoms as they marched through the long grass. Here and there a dog strained at its rope and barked hysterically. The cattle milled and horses began to whinny. The animals could sense the approach, but inside some of the wagons the families were still sleeping soundly.
When the restlessness roused them, they were still drugged by sleep and slow in realizing what was happening. But then the long grass parted and a figure leapt into the wagon – dark as the night – with only eyes and teeth shining white. For a moment the moon gleamed upon a naked blade – and then there was a scream – a long, drawn-out shriek that shattered the night as if the entire sky was made of brittle glass. And then the warriors were everywhere at once.
In many places men were quick to leap to their feet and find their guns. By the light of stars alone their shaking fingers poured powder down the barrels, and a little more into the pan of their flintlocks. They hardly had to raise and aim – some scarcely had the opportunity to fire more than one or two shots before Zululand’s sharpest steel sliced into their backs and chests. In some places there was more resistance. The lucky ones who had more warning managed to find a little shelter – from where they fought a fight that required no courage – when fighting for the ones you love beyond reason itself – courage has no meaning. All men became lions and every soul was turned into a hero. Circumstances simply made you one.
Every man and women fought for their very lives that night. First with guns, and then with axes, knives and any object that they could swing. When these weapons were pried from their wounded arms, they fought with their bare hands. Fathers fell across their children, and mothers huddled around their crying infants. The blades found them all. The spears knew no mercy of any kind. The blades went through the mothers and into their children as if they were made from butter. Even the children who tore loose and ran away were run down and caught. Not one of them was spared.
As they threw their torches onto the tented wagons and the flames began to dance – the warriors of Zululand made sure that all the men and women were finished off. Then they took the children – every little child and baby that still breathed. They held them by their feet and swung their small heads against the wagons wheels. Each crying voice ended with a hollow thud until every one of them was silent. Then they took everything they wanted, and sliced the bellies open of the people they had murdered.
Behind them they left utter carnage. Burning wood and canvas, fluttering feathers from sliced open beds and pillows, and scattered flour that looked like snow in all directions. Here and there a life was still gurgling away while limbs contorted painfully. Glass shattered, furniture smashed. Dogs, cats and chickens slaughtered. Nothing left alive at all. And so they continued up the river to see who else they could still overrun.
Lourens Christiaan de Klerk, who survived the butchery, told that after they had listened to the firing in the dark for some time, a bushman woman had come stumbling into their laager. She was too shocked and traumatized to speak, and however hard they tried, they could not get a word out of her. By this, however, they knew what to expect.
Shortly after a white man came running from the same direction. This was Daniel Bezuidenhout, bare-headed and streaming with blood, and only dressed in shirt and trousers.
“All murdered!” he cried. “The Zulus are here!”
Gasping with exhaustion, he told his dreadful story. When the barking of their dogs woke him at 1 o’clock in the morning, he had risen to see whether the livestock was wandering off or being threatened by a leopard. To his surprise, he walked into a regiment of Zulus. Freezing in his tracks, he heard the warriors’ shields going “zirrrr” through the grass, and followed the noise as the Zulus stabbed at his dogs in the dark. Only half-clad, he retreated stealthily. Then he stumbled into a second regiment which was approaching from another direction. Under cover of darkness he hastened to his waggon where his wife was sick with their little baby of six days old. Handing him the child, she beseeched him to flee to safety.
As he jumped into the darkness and forced his way through the Zulus he could hear them stab his aged father to death. With the child in his arms, he managed to break through after being encircled three times. On each occasion they had been drawn to him by the crying of the baby. They first managed to stab him while he was crouched over the child, so that the spear entered his shoulder blade and went down his chest along his rib cage before killing the little baby in his arms. He did not notice it immediately, though, until after he had been wounded twice more.
When he finally managed to escape, he hid himself among the cattle. He was now safely in the darkness behind the Zulu lines. From here he could hear how the Zulus were stabbing the dogs and chickens to death, the tearing of the tent canvass and the destruction of the waggons.
At this point the bereaved father discovered that the helpless child was lifeless in his arms. Realizing that there was nothing more that he could do for his exterminated family, he hid the little body under a bush, and ran through the night to warn the other pioneers. In so doing, he gave priceless warning to the Van Dijks, the Scheepers family, as well as the Roets and Van Vuuren families and the family of Karel Geer. This saved many lives.
Even while Bezuidenhout was still telling his dreadful tale, the thundering of hooves brought Heila Petronella Roberts and her two daughters into their laager. Unbeknown to Heila, her husband had already been murdered with Piet Retief. Having been warned by the shots from a single man that night, she and her children had barely managed to reach their horses and escape in time. She confirmed that all the Bezuidenhouts had been killed.
Her own story was just as terrible. As she was fleeing from her waggons, she said she saw the neighbouring Greyling and Engelbrecht families – all 36 of them – running for the safety of her waggons. Moments later she saw them being overwhelmed and butchered to the last man, woman and child. There would be many more stories which were similar to these.
Gun battles were raging through the night in all directions. Nearly everywhere the fights were desperate to the extreme. The need was so severe that even children had to fight. One example was the little ten year old son of Gert Maritz who had to fire and load just like all the grown men. It is impossible to imagine the utter chaos of that night as thousands of warriors shouted, oxen and livestock scattered in all directions, guns blazed away at sounds and shadows, and the cry of murdered people rent the sky.
It was a night in which heroes were made. At Rensburg koppie, Willem van Rensburg held his gun upside down to indicate that they were out of ammunition.
“Help people! There is powder and lead in Willem Pretorius’ waggon!” he cried.
Nobody thought it possible, but a small group of men fought their way through the Zulu ranks. A young man of 18 years old, Martinus Jacobus Oosthuizen, or Tinie, as he was called, made the desperate race to the Pretorius waggons on his horse, “Swartjie” (Blackie).
Laden with shot and powder, the boy then had to run the gauntlet all the way back again. With desperate fascination the men watched as he stormed right into the ranks of 1,500 warriors – dodging clubs and spears as best he could. For a moment it seemed, lost, but then he burst through and completed his five minute death run in safety. His was just one more act of heroism that saved many lives that day. The women who survived the battle with their men showered him with kisses of appreciation afterwards.
Further away, the laagers which had been spared rallied themselves and went flying into the darkness – riding as hard as they could to try and aid whomever they might. In the darkness, however, they could not do very much. They were among the bravest of the brave to attack like that, but it was already far too late for most. The scale of the attack was just too big and the speed had been too great.
When the sun rose that morning, it fell across the valleys of a blood-soaked country. What the men saw on that day was something that most would not see again in their entire lives – a scene that few would ever want to talk about. The carnage was beyond description. Entire families had been wiped out. Waggon encampments were still smoking – with the wagons standing like coal-black skeletons upon the lonely landscape.
The deeds of valiant bravery that occurred that night were many, yet most are lost to history because the heroes fought until they perished and no one was left to tell the tale. The few who lived were scarred for life. They must have had nightmares for as long as they lived, and more than likely seldom spoke about that night.
One little girl, Johanna van der Merwe, was just 12 years old. She escaped the Van der Merwe laager and managed to reach the Prinsloo family which was encamped elsewhere. But here also, death found the families. Elizabeth (Betta) De Beer could only grab the youngest of her three children, a nine months old baby. She sought shelter beneath a waggon, but her baby was assaulted through the spokes of a wheel. Being left for dead, she managed to flee into the darkness, still clutching her bloody little baby in her arms. At the Bloukrans River she discovered the little child was dead, so she left its body there.
Together with Johanna van der Merwe and a Prinsloo girl they were found in a tree, which they climbed during the night of terror. There they were so weakened that they could not make a sound. After the sun had risen, two Zulus had passed beneath the tree. Drawn by the sight of blood that was dripping from the branches, they proceeded to stab at the girls as far as they could reach. One climbed into the thorn tree and grabbed Betta De Beer by her long hair. She became stuck in a fork of the tree, which prevented him from pulling her down.
When they were satisfied that the girls were probably dead, they moved on. They were only discovered by the pioneers when the vultures began circling the tree. Little Johanna had no less than 21 stab wounds. Catherina Prinsloo, was stabbed 23 times. The young Betta De Beer died a few days later. Elsewhere, Gert Lucas Joubert was also found with 21 wounds. His body was retrieved from beneath a pile of mutilated corpses. He, however, somehow managed to survive.
Another tale of survival is so dreadful that it almost cannot be repeated. One woman had been huddled against the trunk of a tree, desperately trying to shelter her baby with her body. After having stabbed her in the arms and legs, a Zulu ripped the baby from her clutch and disemboweled it with one thrust. Upon stabbing the mother in the back, she collapsed unconscious.
When she came to a little while later, the Zulu was laughing as he stabbed at her other child in the tree above her. The warrior laughed while the child wailed with fear. At long last the tormented child fell from the tree, nearly on top of its mother, where she lay with racing heart while pretending to be dead. The poor mother survived the deadly ordeal, probably to be haunted by nightmares for the rest of her life.
All through that day, the pioneers followed the sight of circling vultures in search of their scattered loved ones. Often they found the bodies of dead or dying Zulus – which they dispatched at once. Sometimes they found the bodies of their own – and wept with bitter anguish.
One man by the name of Du Preez was just returning from a hunting trip. When he reached his laager, he found his wife and every one of his seven children cold and lifeless. An entire family wiped out, with only he himself that had been spared by circumstances. Besides that, he had lost everything he owned, except the clothes that he was standing in. Some of the scenes were so dreadful that those who wrote down their memories many years later repeatedly declared that they were too terrible to record in detail.
The scent of death hung heavily across the bloody tapestry of that night. Ferdinand Paulus van Gass, who was just a young man at the time, wrote that, “all had been murdered in this gruesome way; children had stakes driven into their mouths and out the back of their heads, women were sliced open and their entrails were torn out, while the men were similarly treated in a manner that I am not able to recount.”
In the bush and long grass, bearded pioneers must have fallen to their knees and sobbed as they recognized friends and family, or familiar faces and neighbours. Van Gass recounted that at one laager they could not find a single gun that was not broken. The men had fought until they were out of ammunition, and had then fought with guns used as clubs until they were overwhelmed. Everywhere they collected little bundles – the castaway and crumpled figures of terrified little children, or women and servants who had died while trying to escape. Most were mutilated. Their bodies were strewn across the veld like so much rubbish. Even the dogs, cats, chickens and domestic animals were all butchered.
In places the bodies of victims and attackers were still entwined as they had died in mortal combat. Abraham Carel Bothma, who was the brother of Stephanus Bothma who had been hung at Slagtersnek, was found in this way. He had a large spear through his chest while the Zulu at his side had a knife wound in his heart. Bothma still had both legs wrapped around the Zulu from their deathly contest, but his body had been slit open and disembowelled from top to bottom.
Around him his coloured servant lay similarly mutilated, while in their camp all the women were found with their clothes torn off. They had been sliced open similarly. Above each place of slaughter the vultures were circling patiently – or rattling the branches of the thorn trees before jumping to a hurried feast.
In many places families were found inside their waggons. Some of the little children had suffocated to death beneath the weight of their dead relatives. In one waggon, 21 corpses were piled, plus one little eight year old girl who was dragged from under them, still alive.
The 12 year old Hannie van der Merwe was found with 21 spear wounds beneath a heap of 20 bodies. She astonished everyone by surviving. In places the blood scratch-marks showed how frightened women had been dragged from underneath their beds. The savageness defied all description. It was too much to witness women of all ages, their clothes stripped, their breasts cut off, and impaled with spears, before being disembowelled. Some had their Achilles tendons cut off. One such victim, Catharina Prinsloo, had hers cut also. She survived this mutilation, and altogether 17 spear wounds, and lived as a crippled until she died in 1892. Servants shared the same fate – butchered without mercy.
The survivors stared with hollow eyes, and drawn expressions. They were the toughest people in the Colony. Most of these men had grown up on the Eastern Border. They had known nothing but border raids all their lives. Most of them had known war since they were born. Blood was nothing new to them. But this was by far - without comparison - the bloodiest scene that anyone had ever witnessed. They stared at the limbs of little children which had been hacked off and cast into the trees like morbid decorations. All the dreadful memories that they ever had paled into insignificance compared to the unspeakable horror of one single night.
They still found survivors along the rivers and valleys, but not many. In one place, the astonished rescuers heard a whimper. At their approach they discovered a woman that lay sprawled with a spear still protruding from her back. When they rolled her over they found that the blade had sliced right through her, and also through the body of her baby, it was buried in the ground. The mother was cold and dead, but to their amazement they found the child was still alive. They removed the blade with the greatest care and still the little one did not perish. She was one of the few who were destined to survive that night. She would later marry and live until a good old age.
In the regions of Bloukrans and Moordspruit the sad pioneers collected the remains of those whom they had loved. Many of their names were recorded, but some were simply lost upon the vastness of the land. Together with their servants, the list of those who were butchered in that single night numbered 525 although it was impossible to be precise as so many families had been wiped out entirely, and so many had vanished without a trace.
The number of Zulus who had been killed was estimated at 500, while an unknown additional number had drowned in the rivers during the night. There were so many orphan children that the pioneers scarcely knew what to do with them afterwards. Funerals were held for ten days afterwards as more and more bodies continued to be discovered. Many were buried in two mass graves of 7 by 7 metres. On top of everything, the news was then received that Piet Retief and all his men had been massacred by Dingane. Not a single one had escaped.
When it was over, a spirit of great defeat and desolated descended upon the traumatized survivors. They had lost more than the mind could comprehend, for besides the many deaths of their loved ones, they had been robbed of a multitude of cattle which had either been driven off or been killed and mutilated.
With the death of the popular and charismatic Piet Retief, they also found themselves leaderless. Anxious laagers were drawn while false reports came in that more Zulus were on their way to continue the attacks. Some wanted to return back to the Colony. Most of the others, however, had now been steeled in their resolve.
During this dreadful time something occurred which seems peculiar to what would later become the Boer nation. When desperation was so deep that even the stoutest hearts would lose their courage, it was remarkable how women often took a stand.
This was perhaps the first of these occasions when a group of women addressed their men and boldly declared: “If you are not man enough, then we as women will attack the Zulus!”
Their bravery inspired others who similarly declared that they would “expressly not trek home again, but would remain here to avenge this great injustice or to perish as their bothers.” A few turned back, but the vast majority stubbornly remained. Many felt that under these desperate circumstances, they had only the most desperate option left to them – and that was to regroup and find some way to attack their vastly superior enemy.
They could not have known it, but a dreadful time of siege and fear lay yet ahead for the shocked survivors. They would still be ravaged by cold and hunger and deadly disease epidemics while they huddled together and waited out months of siege and never-ending rains in squelching mud.
This would become one of the two darkest hours in the history of their budding nation. Indeed, much more blood was still to flow before the Zulu might would finally be cracked at Blood River and then be brushed away at Ulundi. They was destined to become a pioneer generation that was formed in the crucible of severest trauma. These experiences forged them into an indescribably tough people with a strength of faith that seemed unique in all their generations.
Our own Labuschagne trek was there that night, but they were among the lucky ones. Although no historical records about their movements have been found, it is believed that they were laagered at Labuschagnesdrift near Potgieters drift, where in 1899 the Spioenkop battles would be fought. Somehow the Zulus probably just did not chance to find their laager in that night. We were undeservedly lucky for from my own people apparently not a single one of them was lost. Other families, however, were wiped out entirely. Thousands of men and women never lived because of the lives that were lost that day.
People still remember the names of Bloukrans and Moordspruit today, and they know that the names are synonymous with some old tragedy of the past. What they do not realize, however, is that some of history’s traumas were so dramatic that people could not talk about them. And because they could not talk about them, they were not written down to the same degree of detail as other events were. They were just too terrible to tell frequently. And because there was less detail, they are not so well remembered now.
I look outside my window tonight and watch the moon as silver clouds spill across the sky. The charcoal branches of a tree reaches knottily, like the bones of some ancient hand that reaches to pluck it form the sky. It makes the scene alive before my mind eye. And I think about Natal, for I had known it well enough myself. I have been where these events had taken place. I have walked across the rolling plains of the Tugela basin. I have walked with outstretched hands, so that the long grass passed lovingly through my fingers.
Along those same very hills my ancestors fought in the desperate modern battles of the Anglo-Boer War, hardly sixty years later. This land holds so much meaning. Sometimes I think that the grass grows so beautiful in that land because it has been fed by so much blood. This is the land of my fathers. It was the land that they had dreamed about. For many it became their nightmare. But still, there is an element of loveliness that continues to this very day.
When the mighty Drakensberg lies snow-capped beneath a cobalt sky at twilight – when the turpentine grass is long and golden and smells like pine – and when the Tugela gurgles like a sleeping child – that’s when the land is so beautiful that it hurts your eyes and makes them water.
You think about this night and close your eyes and shudder. But when you open your eyes again the land is smiling. In the early morning when the sun rises and the gentle mists lie lazily upon the valleys – the pleading screams and helpless cries begin to fade. And all you hear is the total silence that whispers that Africa still loves her children – and that she wishes none of this had ever happened.
Image 1: "The Battle of Blaukranz" by Charles Bell.
Image 2: Cornelia du Preez, one of the survivors of Bloukrans. The description of her image in the National Archive reads: Cornelia D du Preez (tweede huwelik, eerste huwelik met komdt. Pretorius). Geb. 1825 en was teenwoordig met die Moord van Bloukrans. TAB MHG 13267
Image 3: Johanna van der Merwe survived multiple spear wounds during the night attacks at Bloukrans as a 13 year old girl. In Johanna’s laager, the women tried to save their children by lying on top of them when the attackers reached them. The attempt was futile. The attackers dragged them all out screaming, and cut them all to shreds. They stabbed Johanna 21 times. She was to be the only survivor. Generations later the South African navy named a submarine after her – the SAS Johanna van der Merwe. The name was changed to SAS Assegai by the new dispensation.
Do you think this could be why white people do not trust so easy and still hate so much? This is in our oldest history books not in such details and openly available. To read about these real life events you need access to state archives as these accounts are kept under lock and key.
Have the Boers done anything like this to black people at all?
So why do farm murders keep escalating and people like Malema en now even a "respected" Cyral Ramaphosa make such a bad judgement call as land expropriation without compensation?
The Boer people found their Identity here in the Southern part of Africa and thus is an indigenous people and as such should be treated with respect and the same support as any other indigenous peoples get from the United Nations.
Absolutely nobody who makes any tipe of deal or negotiation for a piece of land that by default belongs to the Boer as an indigenous anyway does not represent the Boervolk/ Boer Nation in any way shape or form.
Any agreements signed purporting those who entered into it represent my people the Boervolk or Boer People after 1902 that comes down or boils down to us working with those who do not have historical claims of support given to my people will be recognised or accepted in any way shape or form.
We do not negotiate or sign agreements over our sovereign territories nor that of the other nations usurped and destroyed by the British war machine during the Anglo Boer war.
We ask that all organisations who are doing this to stop this immediately or stand accused of being complacent to dealing with those who have historically committed acts of Genocide against the Boervolk/ Boernation and will also be seen as committing treason against the Boernation / Boervolk / Boer People.
I can only speak for myself as a Boer.
Those who support what i am saying please add your name surname and email address below to show that you agree.and support this NGO to act on behalf of you in aposing any succession of people claiming to be Boer people from the rest of what is his and has been recognised over more that 5 conventions and treaties as the SovereinTerritories of the Boervolk.
We do not partake and we disapprove of any and all acts such as these by any and all organisations unless it be a decision made in a Volks Vergadering. To carry such a command the Boer People will need an internationally recognised body such as the IEC to hold its own elections and chose its own leaders to represent it as Boer People and not a mixed nation of people or Afrikaners as they call themselves.
Also hereby note that we do not have a Volksraad and have not chosen or given consent as a people to be included or seen as being Afrikaner people. Therefore we also openly do not recognise the so called Boere-Afrikanervolk where in the documentation and founding documentation no reverence of the Boervolk are cited or made. These people should immediately disband and cease any and all actions or also be added to the list of organisations who have become complacent and committing Genocide against the Boer people stating a Boer an Afrikaner are one people. We are not and we vehemently reject such notions or claims. The Afrikaner was never mentioned in any war correspondence between the Boer leader and the crown during the Anglo Boer war that lasted until 1902 and was ended with a treaty to restore the Republics and territories of the Boer people. This treaty still stands to this day and is the only thing that we base our request of enabling us to lay charges against the crown of genocide by implementing the Rome Statute Mr..Thabo Mbekhi ratified on behalf of the ANC led Government. You have not abided by your agreement by not adding the abilities for our people to lay charges at a police station of genocide on your MAS system. This is seen as a blatant contravention of treaty law which is international law. South Africa can not now want to withdraw from the Rome statute because it has not complied to its promised commitment and treaty signed to do so.
Barend Kruger
Boer Nation (people) Heritage Foundation.
NGO-NPO if you feel like sending us a letter of support instead of adding email adress to your name surname below.
Barend Kruger;

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Our Culture Yes, Multiculture, what culture?

In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.   Source: Our Culture Yes, Multiculture, what culture?

Saturday, August 18, 2018

#PC is #death for the #Western Nations

To my Leftiod Fans and Supporters!
PC is Death for the West! Leftism
is a mental defect! It makes people: Stupid, plain, homogenous and lame.
It makes them worship death and seek their own end... the West under
Liberalism has turned Western Man into the Panda of human history... so
guilty He might continue on He is willing to give up His Ancestral home
and his rich history to 'make amends' for crimes he has NOT committed...
WE are the Panda of Human History... this is because
leftism/internationalism have mentally and spiritually nutted our race,
destroyed our families, cheapened all human interaction to the level of a
market exchange, left our cities in ruins, raped our history, looted
our heritage, imploded our industry and is soon to toss a match to the
pyre so that what remains can burn to ash all so that liberal hypocrites
can feel good about making others feel bad about being born! And so the
'market' calf worshipers can charge for everything from birth until
death. These two come as a set.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

#Afrikaners In Peril -- #Rhodesia Round 2.0 -- #SAGenocide

So why is the #genocide against #Boers and #Afrikaans speakers 100% Okay? #SouthAfricanGenocide #SAWhiteGenocide 100% a factual event. It is a go. #SouthAfrica #ANC #EFF

Saturday, July 21, 2018

MidTerm Election | Two Parties One Money Bag | Same Results

Folks the American left, and right, are in fact one party owned and operated by and for Wall Street ( the Big Money Internationalists who in fact OWN this Slave Camp.) While we may openly have the appearance of a two party system, the fact that the same big money buys all significant factions that operate in politics, has ensured that we have a De Facto one party system. The people 'choose' nothing and merely SELECT from among candidates chosen for them. No matter which person wins this or that race over all the Moneybags win EVER SINGLE election as they CHOOSE who would be running with their money donations. This is the reality. This single party system, is internationalist, and has absolutely no loyalty to the common majority American in any way shape or form, having as its stated goal the end of diversifying our nations --diversifying being a euphemism for less majority citizens, and more foreign barbarians, whose sole purpose in the country are to drive down wages, lower standards of living, divide the majority, dilute and destroy our unique identity, and thereby insurer that we can never vote our way out politically correct serfdom to the one party plutocrat money bag system, which will have destroyed all these things we love. The one party system will if allowed its way, take our land, destroyed our heritage, break up our homes, and more generally make us homeless serfs, on the continent our fathers conquered. The one party system, both democrat and republican, promote political correctness and neoliberal economics, the democrats have an emphasis on political correctness and its social values, while the republicans place their emphasis upon neoliberal economics; however, they both to a lesser or greater extent support all political correctness and neoliberal economics.

#Midterms2018 #Elections2018 #RedWave #GOP #Trump #Nationalists #WhiteIdentity #Whites #WhiteMajority #Nations #Folk #People #WesternMan #WesternCulture #WesternPride #EuroAmericans #Europeans #Home #Hearth #Heritage #Community #CommonGood #WhiteRights #WhiteSurvival #EthnoState #Family #fatherhood #motherhood #cleanstreets #goodjobs #properwages #honestpayhonestwork #MenNotBoys #MothersNotMilfs #ChildrenNotPets #LifeNotDeath #LiberalismIsDead #Autarky #Freedom #respect #honor #dignity #loyalty #duty #right #frugality #dedication #courage
#nation #national #nationalism #nationalist #nationalists #nationstate #nationalismislove #nationalismislife #nation4life #nationsarepeoples #peoplesarenations #family4nation #justprice #justdue #justplace #familyoffamilies #honestwork #honestpay #honestgovernment #honestelections #goodwagesforthecommongood #commongoodoverselfishinterests #commongood #breakthebondsofusury #publicbank #publiccredit #jobsforcitizensonly #onepeopleinoneland #onelawonewayoflife #truefreedom #realliberty

Friday, July 20, 2018

One People Land Law Way of Life | United as One Nation

The very first step in unifying as one people in one land under one law with one way of life by the likes of one culture unified as one nation, BEING able to say the following without any shame:
A Culture is a Head. A people a Heart. The State its Body: Together they are One Nation; united as one Nation!
One People, in One Land, Under One Law, with One Way of Life, Living By the Light of One Culture! United as One Nation!

One Culture Complete! One Heart! One Body! One Nation!

One Culture! One People! One Law! Our Land! Our Nation! One!

Unitary; Whole; Strong: United as One Nation!

United We Remain One People! United We keep our Laws and Our Lands and Our Way of Life One Organic Nation! Unitary, whole, strong! United as one Nation!

#Border, #BorderSecurity, #BorderWall, #DeportThemAll, #DeportIllegals, #MakeAmericaSafeAgain, #StopTheInvasion, #MAGA, #AmericaFirst, #StopTheCaravan ,#stopthecaravan, #WhiteRights, #WhiteCulture, #WhiteHistory, #DefendEurope, #DefendEuropa, #EthnoCommunity, #EthnoState, #MAGA, #AmericaFirst, #AltRight, #LockHerUp,

Source: One People Land Law Way of Life | United as One Nation - YouTube

Address :

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Dependence Death of Independence

Dependence -- its not just bad when its dope.
What you depend upon; you cannot be free from; thus it holds your independence of action, thought and ultimately controls your reality. From dope to oil:
If you allow yourself to be dependent (particularly upon anything with NO care for your well-being or concern for your person) you give up your Independence
(and you risk your life as well) -- Simple as that.
Since what is dependent is inferior to what holds them in dependence. Dependence negates Independence! One cannot exist if the other is allowed sway.
Dependence is a leash that attaches you to the post of those that control the flow of the things you come to depended upon in the natural order of things -- particularly when those you depend upon are NOT loyal to you and yours in the least and learn to use this dependency to their advantage.
Thus depending upon your kin and friends not so bad of an idea; depending upon 'the world' equals Mother of Fubar ideas. See: American Middle Eastern Policy.
Now ask and answer these questions if you will to yourself:
If we are depending upon others in China(manufactured goods), in what way are we free of those people in China?
If we are depending upon Vietnamese Communist(shoes, clothes other sweatshop products) in what way are we free of them?
If we are wrapped up in the usurers web of debts and credits( do I even have to start beating that drum? Really?), in what exact way are we free of their debt based games?
If we are dependent upon Import-Mart and Copra-Mart for food, and Cosmo-Mart for junk and all these are owned by a small click of people, in what way are we free of those people?
Now to ask the final question: In what real way are we free at all if we are dependent upon all these communists, Asiatics, money grubbers and low wage emporiums?

#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst #StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #AltRight #LockHerUp

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

KKK and NEONAZI larpers are NOT AltRight

We are NOT about to allow LAPERS to ruin our hard labors. No
equivocation ... KKK and NEO NAZI LARPERS are not welcome here. GET GONE
NOW. Take your 40 year old recycled bullshit and get down the way with

I was born poor but they are truly trashy. They seem to LOVE being rejected by the common WHITE MAN. This means LOSER.

Yeah Well Alt Right is not a losers movement.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

#SAGenocide #SouthAfricaGenocide #Boers #Afrikaner #Afrikans

The title says it all. The Pet communists of the Western Media both the
ANC and EFF are being allowed the legal power to steal land and in the
murder those that oppose them. Under all the legal babble it amounts to
just as I say -- #SAGenocide #SouthAfricaGenocide #Boers #Afrikaner #Afrikans

Monday, July 9, 2018

Attention | #Afrikaners In Peril -- #Rhodesia Round 2.0

Just a middle aged man babbling for several minutes about how
hypothetically,If the Afrikaans people came to the USA, Canada, Aus, NZ,
or UK illegally. Who here would help hide them from the ZOG and give
their children a chance at life in the First World? This is not about
money. LOYALTY man to man is everything. Ethnos coupled to State has to
mean loyalty to the living folk or it means Nothing at all.

will occur in full live action after their land is stripped. So who
would be willing to defy the ZOG to ensure those folks LIFE?

are OUR PEOPLE. Of OUR RACE. Some of them are literally of the Same
Anglo-Germanic Blood as US. Place of Birth or Bonds of Blood? Who of you
will find the courage to ensure these people a rat line out of that

If any person is BORN in the USA they are a CITIZEN ... THIS APPLIES TO #afrikan peoples ... #Boer and #British.

Thoughts on this are that they are OUR DUTY, OUR RESPONSIBILITY. Our
Distant Kin folk to whom have duties by birth. We are poor but we do
have LOYALTY enough to feed, house and hide our own if need comes to
shove. That we can do. This is a moral choice that can make or break the
morale of the Western White Man.

If not us 'nazis' among the
Anglo Whites? Who? Who will do this thing? Who of you will find the
courage to ensure these people a rat line out of that hellhole? Shall
you stand by and watch it happen? Rhodesia 2.0? No Sir that is not for
Us. To defy is to undemoralize. To act is to put aside doubts. To act
Rightly is to be Noble. Saving the White South African People is a NOBLE
desire. One that could change the entire face of Nationalism. Do right
... Be Right. Act Noble ... Be Noble.

#SouthAfrica #shithole #SouthAfricanGenocide #WhiteGenocide. We have all seen this PROGRAM in ZIMBABWE. It is time for #AltRight, #WhiteNationalist and even the super far fringe larpers to EITHER SHUT UP or STEP UP. These #Boers and #British
are Our Racial Kin. We owe them a chance to get the HELL OUT of that
decayed corpse that is what is left of the Former Glory of White
Southern Africa. Money, Organization and WILL. We will require all
three. Now is the hour to prove that Nationalism -- the Ethno Variety
has the will to be a world view that is worthy of Western Man.

is the time that to ensure OUR PEOPLE are let go and brought to their
brethern's embrace here in the First World. They should by all rights --
they are KIN to us Western Anglo Peoples. The Dutch hate the Boers. We
have no such issue. We will embrace them as Kin to My Kin. They are 8%
of SA these People and We are 8% of the World.

We Shall take them with pride. Brother of My Brother is my Kin.

be that as it may, the Poor Whites will need money to ensure like the
Exodus they can leave in Strength and Order. We shall not abandon these
people like the World did to #Rhodesia and #Mozambique. The Tide is High -- Time to Float.

The #AltRight like the entire #Right
in the Anglo Nations suffers from Style over Substance. Too Much Clever
and not enough Common Sense. We need a narrative that presents Our
History and Commonalty as our Strength

Friday, June 8, 2018

Trump Turns Cuck to appease MLK loving GOP losers|#MAGA denied

All for mere tax cuts. No wall. No MAGA. Just a bunch of money lender
rhetoric. We were sold America First what we have gotten is RUBBISH on
par with Rumdummy Ray Guns Nonsense in the 80's.

We will have our MAGA -- America will be WHITE AGAIN!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Ethno-Nationalism Needs Adults | Reject Hollywood Nazi Nonsense

*the 'Nationalism' under discussion is largely but not entirely an Online and very low brow live action cos playing affair in the English Speaking West. However like all ideas it has the potential to burst forth into action, if the stumbling blocks are removed.

For those new to this, or who may have come here by other avenues than the online nationalist route, some background might be necessary.

Nationalism as an organized social, political and economic force in the West has on the one hand failed since WWII and been driven to ground, and on the other reveled in that failure to the point of making it a mark of distinction.

This is the last 70 years encapsulated into a simple sentence.

The repeated failure has built up a certain image over the last few decades of failures. Approximate text can be had here.

The long and short is that Hollywood Nazi bullshit needs replaced with Caring Adult Nationalism that has meaning in the lives of the People.

#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst #StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #AltRight #LockHerUp

Also Please Download the PDF Below. Completely safe Link.

Source: Ethno-Nationalism Needs Adults | Reject Hollywood Nazi Nonsense - YouTube

Address :

Monday, June 4, 2018

Boomer Bonanza | Muh Reee Reee Edition

Just a middle aged man babbling for several minutes about how today we
have an example Boomeritis in all its glory folks. Howie is a mini-me to
all Suburban Cucks. The Nothing called PC loves People like Howie.

I had shared the Legal | Illegal | Same video to a group on Google Plus
called Defenders of the Constitution. To which this followed.

We -- once the White Majority Goes the Constitution will Go ... it will be a dead letter.

Continued on broadcast ... enjoy. Share the videos, Up vote the product, Subscribe to the channel.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

UK goes full Soviet | Free Speech Dead | #FreeTommyRobinson

Well it seems you can be unpersoned in the Liberal West in all of 4 hours. Think about that. Outraged is the word.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

News and Views: A Nationalist Dream of Tomorrow

News and Views: A Nationalist Dream of Tomorrow: Once I was dreaming – and realized I was in a dream such that all was allowed and nothing was forbidden but by my will, lord of thi...

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Building the Dream of #EthnoState |#AltRight Fights

Today we talk about the nonsense replies
we get from both the COMMIES and CUCKED Converitard cowards. Hater.
#Nazi. Tyrant. Yes I am the tyrant who would arm all loyal citizens …
That is Us we are all about ‘tryany’ IE we want to free the
#White Race from the #Usurers Whip and allow them to live like
Dignified Humans in their own lands. We also speak about defending
our lands. Those of you that are Not American … just change the
ideas a bit so that they apply. Your boat is not any more safe from
the storm than our boat. We are both on the same PC sea. Let us stop
these petty feuds and learn to work based on our Racial interests not
upon false civic nationalist principles.

It amazes us that the White Race has
fallen this far this fast such that a person bleeding out the eyes to
help them is a Tyrant. Mind boggling. But bottom comes -- then we
can build upon Firm footings of family and folk, history and
heritage, Community and Commonalty of Language, Custom and Mores.

There is a lot more but as always you
will have to watch to know. Watch. Upvote. Share. Subscribe.

Also Please Download the PDF Below.
Completely safe Link.
193 page pdf clean link. A real legal lawful doable Plan to really
be free of PC. A plan that has an actual chance of success.

But at any rate these quality thoughts
on how #ItsOkayToBeWhite are 100% of monetary cost. We never will
have the Shekel Cup out for donations. Never.

#WhiteCulture and #WhiteHistory. #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa
#EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #DeportThemAll
#IllegalAliens #AltRight


#BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals
#MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst
#StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture
#WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState
#MAGA #AmericaFirst #AltRight #LockHerUp

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Liberalism's Heir -- Hint it is Nationalism and #EthnoState

Liberalism has ran its course, passing the torch to its heir, Cultural Marxism, which has festered, and the fever while still high is receding. Now it will birth its own destruction. The attempt to deestroy White America with mass immigation has the White Majority riled up as they simply have NO interest in becoming a minority among minorities by and large.
Territoriality is a fact and cannot be simply wished away. So is racial identity as well as cultural historical identities -- biology and the past have weight as a fact of natural affections behavioral instince affects action -- this is just reality. Creation has RULES ... God will not be mocked.
Liberalism at its logical extension requires that no stable majority have sole power at least the Globalist Multicultural Version does. This monsterousity is the rule of minorities under guise of legal language. The legally enforced equality under lawyers is not tenable long term as it attempts to shape reality by use, control and contortion of words rather than describe reality using correct words.  They thus can truly believe that every can equally care for and love all others to each other -- absurd as that sounds -- because it is possible to say such a thing in legal language. Legalism is abstract and removed from normal human intercourse.
This inhuman disregard for the normal bonds of affection among groups of people, will come back to bite it just as it did the commie experiment in Eastern Europe. Add to this mechanical view of human nature an inclinition to promote every death inducing fad, life style or action they can find and it is assured they will fail from nature's good graces.
Human Nature will only bend and twist so far before it lashed out and sets itself back to normalcy. Therefore nationalism based on Family, home, hearth,heritage, which leads naturally to a shared commonality of history and culture in the context of a community of folk will prevail as it is the normalacy that most people seek. In its ways are live, happiness and purpose for the person and greater folk together in collaberation to the common good. We are talking about real organic Nationalism among Whites in America which is growing in spite of the liberals, commies,and useful idiots among the so called "right" as well.  This is because life will not be denied and in nationalism lies life.
We are not talking about internutz 'white nationalism'. No, that is just as worthless as ever, and is in fact a joke. It is in fact an albatross that keep the potential cadre class of the future nationalist folk state fixated upon fantasy 'race wars' rather than working to organize those of their class -- each person has a 'class' we are not marxists after all -- to the common ends of ALL classes and castes that are loyal to the common good of Whites such that when PC becomes weak we will be well placed to inherent these OUR RIGHTFUL LANDS back from its tyrranical grasp.  It is this lack of a proper leadership caste among Nationalist minded folk that more than anything holds them in bondage to their enemies will. It keeps them from having a 'vision' a dream that motivates beyond mere personal gain or glory.  Leadership =/= Politicians ... Leaders do more than talk. They perform. They make things happen in the world of real things. They do WHAT is needed without fail, regardless of popularity or polls. They DIRECTLY ensure their people have the things needed for life before all other things, wealth exists for the GOOD of the FOLK not for vanity..  Leadership like Noblity is about SERVICE and DUTY.  Less Talk and More Walk would be the most ideal thing.
The Elite of the Western World are NOT leaders .. ONLY PIMP Politicians
So here we are at the end of the Materialist/Marxist/Liberal world era and at the start of the growth of a new Nationalism that will grow into the new world paradigm given time.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

No Quarter Asked or Given

Just an off the cuff non-scripted talk about PC and its death cult antics that simply defy biology and natural reality while claiming 'science' as its backing. Frankly 'racism' is more empirical than 'equality' ... we can measure RACE after all.

The Title is a reference to an old rule for dueling in which both parties agree that there will be no mercy or surrender.

At any rate: #ItsOkayToBeWhite

Source: No Quarter Asked or Given - YouTube

Address :

Saturday, May 5, 2018

#AltRight Thoughts on 5th of May | Death Cult All Day Every Day

serfs allow their elites to force foreign 'holidays' upon their nations. This is the ultimate symbol of death cult ... We won't participate; we refuse death cult.  The fact is their don't belong with us. That is that.  White is Right ... the rest is flush it down material.  And before the 'are you racist' crap ... Yes I prefer White over others ... Period. No Shame. No Guilt. No power give to PC to declare otherwise.  I also prefer my 'holidays' to involve GOD AND/OR Our White History ... Nothing else will do.

Monday, April 30, 2018

#StopTheCaravan Failed | Invasion fully under Steam

#StopTheCaravan has failed. Invaders are NOW DEMANDING enterer into our nation ... as a "RIGHT". Yes INVASION is now a right. This failure is 100% the FAULT of the WEAK pussy President #Trump, since we all KNOW the PUNK will allow them in like the LOSER Chump he is ... We wanted a Jackson and got a House Boy Lackey of the Zionists cheap labor lobby instead. And yes I fully blame TRUMP for his OWN FAILURE to defend the Border as that is HIS JOB 100% not anyone else. Trump is a two faced coward.

As to the 'Law' -- That is merely Lawyer Babble ... it is NOT sacred writ as it is ALWAYS ignored when the ELITE are the 'criminals'. Fact. So why not ignore it now to save the WHITE MAJORITY in America?
And yes that is the GOAL -- SAVING WHITE AMERICA ... not garbage about the 'rule of law' ... WHITE MATTERS ... Legality is garbage. Nice and simple.

Continued on broadcast ... enjoy. Share the videos, Up vote the product, Subscribe to the channel.
#Border #BorderSecurity #BorderWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegals #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #StopTheInvasion #MAGA #AmericaFirst #StopTheCaravan #stopthecaravan #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #DefendEurope #DefendEuropa #EthnoCommunity #EthnoState #MAGA #AmericaFirst #AltRight #LockHerUp

Source: #StopTheCaravan Failed | Invasion fully under Steam - YouTube

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